Introduction to the literary writing
The art of constructing stories
Knowing the strategies and acquiring the basic techniques for constructing narrative texts and analyzing foreign and own texts critically.
Dates: April, 3th to 24th
Teacher: Carles Adamuz
Duration: 16 hours, Saturdays 10 to 14 hr
Price: 150 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation
Initiation to the italic handwriting
A Pleasure for your eyes
Directed course to the knowledge and execution of italic writing model.
Alternation of theory and practice, explanations and knowledge of the use and the preparation of the different materials as support (parchment, paper, stone, cloth), feathers, spirits, inks etc.
Dates: May, 8th-9th and 15th-16th
Teacher: Josep Batlle
Duration: 26 hours, Saturday and Sunday the 10th at 14 hr and 15:30 at 18 hr
Pre one registration: 150 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation
Elaboration of craft paper|role
The pupil will learn all the process necessary for the manual elaboration of paper|role, from the preparation and elaboration of the pasta|paste|pastry until takes out simple or decorated leaves.
Dates: on days 21-22-23 of May
Teacher: Svantje Busshoff
Duration: 15 hours, Friday the 18th at 20 hr, dissabte10 at 14 hr and 15:30 at 19 hr
Sunday the 10th at 14 hr and 15:30 at 17 hr.
Pre one registration: 150 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Directed course to every person who it|he|she wants to experiment in the graphic|graphical world with the engraving.
The engraving about different supports: plastic, acetate, wood, iron, cardboards, brass...
Creation and manipulation of transfers in the Print.
Techniques: additive: application of carborundum, chalks|plasters, masilles, varnishes,
silicones, lacquers... calcogràfiques: dry tip, etching, aiguatinta, soft varnish, sugar, fat pencil, embossing...
Stamping in color and monochrome, staff|templates, collage, monotips, Roll-up.
Dates: the 12-13 and 19-20 June
Teacher: Marta Chinchilla
Duration: 30 hours, Saturday and Sunday the 10th at 14 hr and 16 to 19 hr
Pre one registration: 225 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Molds and new materials applied to the art, to|in the design and the scenography
We will work the silicones of nickel and of platinum, resins of polyester and polyurethane, rigid and elastic foam of polyurethane, the latex, the plasters of new generation and the fibres of glass and plants.
Dates: of the 28th June in the 3rd July
Teacher: Pere Pich
Duration: 30 hours, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 14 hr and from 16 to 18 hr
Pre one registration: 275 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Sculpture in iron and corten steel (URSSA)
Practical course about the manipulation of the iron F6 and corten steel in the execution of sculptures and pieces of means formed for urban and decorative design.
Techniques: cut|slice of iron|sheet with plasma and oxitall, inverter welding and Half, torsionats, doubled and cold meats. Methods of work in the assembly of the work (threaded, anclatges, frontisses, axes|axles...). Advice about the machinery of work and systems of protection.
COURSE AND: of the 5th in the 9th July
COURSE II: of the 2nd in the 6th August
Teachers: Josep Plandiura and Marta Chinchilla
Duration: 35 hours every course, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 14 hr and from 16 to 19 hr
Pre one registration: 350 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Painting and drawing
Workshop of experimentation of materials and procedures in the pictorial field.
Course personalized directed at knowing or deepening the practice of the drawing and the painting, independently of the level of the pupil.
Strategies in the elaboration of the artistic speech and analysis of the processes that they organize and they articulate the different stages that they composen the creative project.
Materials, procedures and pictorial techniques: pigments and agglutinating agents (spirit in|on the egg, in|on the cola|glue, the acrílics, the wax, the oil), mixed techniques, collage, frottage, decollage, grattage. Choice and preparation of the supports. The note of the natural one, the human body, the portrait.
The concepts of visual language, the perceptive organization, l?estructura of the plastic space, the proportion, the color. The weight of he|she|it chronicles it|her of the art and the interaction of the painting with other artistic disciplines.
Dates: of the 12th in the 16th July
Teacher: Raul Galusca
Duration: 40 hours, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 14 hr and from 16 to 20 hr
Pre one registration: 300 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Painting about silk
Introducing the multiple ones made possible of the stamping and the painting about fabric|tissue.
Creating a dynamics teòrico-pràctica of work that allows the pupil the research for the creation and to acquire the necessary technical skills.
They will be carried out a minimum of 8 pieces with silk or velvet in the form of foulard, pillow, necklace, etc works typical of each pupil.
Dates: of the 19th in the 23rd July and of the 26th in the 30th (both weeks)
Teacher: Lourdes Déu
Duration: 40 hours, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 14 hr
Pre one registration: 300 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Proposal of Rhythm and Movement
Movement: feeling the foot as regards earth|land, consciousness of the equilibrium, to combine and to coordinate sleep with hands and feet, vocal sleep, etc Rhythm with our body: BODY PERCUTION, rhythm with the ours feet: STEPS and STOMP., displacement and equilibrium.
Work of knowledge of the body itself|himself, of the equilibrium and of the rhythm.
Development of the sensitivity, the creativity and personal enrichment.
Dates: of the 19th in the 23rd July and of the 26th in the 30th (both weeks)
Teacher: Rafa Méndez
Duration: 15 hours, of Monday on Friday of 18 in 19:30h.
Price: 25 euros/session.
Level: Initiation-perfection
Pottery. MURALS
Study of execution of several volumes, low relay|relief and high relay|relief, textures made with several tools in refractory mud.
Global study with the insertion of color (enamels, oxides, etc, carbonates).
You hasten at high temperature and follow-up in charge of the teaching staff.
From the concept and the idea about l?alumne, the several processes will be developed to be for the realization of the mural.
Dates: of the 2nd in the 6th August
Teachers: Glòria Ortega and Albert Cubells
Duration: 35 hours, of Monday in Friday the 10th at 14 hr and 16 to 19 hr
Pre one registration: 300 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
We act and we speak about photography|picture
Teòrico-pràctic course, focused to the realization of pictures in every type of circumstances and back|posterior study and criticism. Like developing a photographic subject are portrait, landscape, report, inland|insides or requirements. Study of possibilities to compare the results with different environments. Learning to watch, to interpret the light, the prospects like the utilization of the optics, to appraise you frame them, the color or the white and black one. Solving different situations in practice.
Dates: of the 2nd in the 6th August
Teacher: Reinald Colell
Duration: 20 hours, of Monday on Friday of 9 to 14 hr.
Pre one registration: 100 euros
Level: Initiation
Experimental Engraving
Directed course to|in the research in the world of the engraving matèric and calcogràfic. Study of methods of work, materials and tools. Course personalized according to level of the pupils.
Techniques: dry tip, Etching, soft varnish, sugar, aiguatinta, embossing, collagraph, carborundum. Supports for matrices: iron, copper, brass, plastics, cardboards, woods, etc Stamping: only evidence|tests, seriada work, overposition d?imatges, Bookings|Reservations, collages, creation and manipulation of images photocopied and transferred to the print.
*Justificació of edition. Talk in charge of Invisible Ink (professionals in the world of the graphic|graphical edition).
Dates: of the 9th in the 13th August
Teacher: Marta Chinchilla
Duration: 35 hours, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 14 hr and from 16 to 19 hr
Pre one registration: 250 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Binding (Book of Artist)
Between theoretical speech and manual work a book-project itself|himself that will represent, sculpture, installation or visual poetry, among book will be elaborated. They will be shown you modify techniques different of binding that they can represent like artistic language. By these techniques the pupils will develop its|his|her|their own project under the professional tuition.
Dates: of the 16th in the 20th August
Teacher: Svantje Busshoff
Duration: 30 hours, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 13 hr and from 16 to 19 hr
Pre one registration: 220 euros (included material)
Level: Initiation-perfection
Drawing with Model
Realization of drawings of different formats.
The note as an immediate graphic|graphical catchment carried out in a relatively short limit of time|weather.
Dates: of the 23rd in the 27th August
Teacher: Lourdes Déu
Duration: 35 hours, of Monday on Friday of 10 to 14 hr and from 16 to 19 hr
Pre one registration: 275 euros
Level: Initiation-perfection
The Center of Art La Rectoria offers accommodation to the pupils who wish it like this
(according to availability of the Center). It has rooms, |kitchen and common coatings, rooms of study, gardens, etc.